Neon Coven releases new EP.

Neon Coven, the new industrial rock band from Los Angeles, CA, has released its debut EP “Risen today via New Ocean Media. Recorded in Hollywood, the EP was produced by Jacob Bunton. The EP consists of 4 tracks ranging from songs about survival and balance to emotionally charged anthems.
The EP can be streamed at this location:
Neon Coven is comprised of Anthony Montemarano (vocals), Jacob Bunton (bass), Ace Von Johnson (guitar), and Kyle Cunningham (drums).
The album’s title Risen is a dedication to the fallen and broken who refuse to back down and give up on their dreams. “The idea behind music is to connect, create and inspire” states frontman Anthony Montemarano. “Between life and death, we are always riding the quantum edge.”
“These songs reflect on the uncertainties of life and coming to grips with our own mortality” adds bassist Jacob Bunton. “The only guarantee we have in life is that one day it will end.  It’s up to each one of us to create our own destiny and live life to it’s fullest. The world is full of ups and downs, but I’ve always believed in the Rocky Horror quote ‘if you can dream it, you can be it.”
From Los Angeles, CA, Neon Coven abandoned much of the ethos of the tradition of heavy rock to create an intellectual and theoretical sound, linked to an emphasis on anthemic, synth-heavy dance-rock.
Risen” track listing:
01. Down
02. No One Knows You’re Dead
03. Bleeding Love
04. Queen Of Scars
For more  information, check out the band’s Web Properties:

Partner interview – January 22, 2017

Josee Caron and Lucy Niles, otherwise known as Partner, were kind enough to sit down for an interview in the Schuba’s green room before their first-ever appearance in Chicago on January 22nd.  I learned about the origin of their band’s name, their love of pop music, that Josee Caron has a delightful laugh, that Lucy Niles has a mischievous smile (and is willing to destroy a coffee table to open a bottle of beer if necessary), and more.

7th Level Music: I discovered the two of you when I almost got to go to [Chicago’s] Riot Fest last year.

Lucy Niles: We almost got to go, too.

7LM: I was researching bands, and you were the second band I looked up.

LN: Oh, nice.

7LM: I heard “The ‘Ellen’ Page” and went, “Holy cow, I have to see these ladies,” and after that I found “Hot Knives” and I thought, “Yeah, I have to track these ladies down.”

LN: You found them.

Josee Caron (laughing): You were sold.

7LM: Yeah, two songs in and I was in.

7LM: So it fell through and I couldn’t make it to Riot Fest, but then I found out you two couldn’t make it either.  I’m sorry you couldn’t make it.

JC: It’s all good.  The visas were delayed.  There were a bunch of applications and the processing time just took longer, but we used that time to find who was going to mix the album and stuff.  We took that week to finish the record and got it sent off, so it was really a blessing in disguise.

7LM: When’s the record coming out?

JC: We don’t really know.

LN: We’re looking for…(looks at Josee, and then points at a mini-fridge) Actually, you go.  I’m going to grab one of these beers.

[Lucy will spend the next few minutes attempting to open a bottle of said beer without a bottle opener since one (for reasons unknown) wasn’t in the green room.]

JC: We’re looking for an American label to help us put it out.  We’re kind of working behind the scenes right now.  Everything’s done.  It just needs to be mastered.  It’s mixed by a guy named Chris Shaw.  He is known for working a lot with Ween, and he mixed the “blue album” by Weezer.  We wanted our guitars to sound kind of similar.  We don’t know when it’s going to come out, but sometime this year, likely the fall.

7LM: So you two were first in Mouthbreathers?

LN: Mouthbreathers, yeah.

7LM: [And] I found a great clip of you two in Go Get Fucked.

LN: Oh wow!  Where did you find that?

JC (almost rolling with laughter): What?

7LM: You were playing at some deli or something.

JC (still laughing): Yes!  That is crazy!

LN: Who posted that?  I thought our friend was the only one who had that!  That’s awesome.

7LM: It was hysterical.  It was a set where, Lucy, you dropped a drumstick halfway through it and kept going.  I thought, “That’s the greatest thing.”

LN: Yeah.  That was a long time ago.

7LM: The name alone is amazing.

LN: That’s sweet.

JC: That’s how it all started, actually.

LN: That’s when we were younger.

JC: We were younger.  We had a lot of energy.

LN: We used to get drunk three times a week and practice.  Actually, [touring bassist] Kevin was in that band, too.

7LM: I’m really intrigued with how you settled on the name Partner.  I didn’t know if you approached it from the noun or the verb, as in to partner or team up with someone.

JC: Definitely the noun.

LN: It was kind of an elaborate joke.  We were kind of making fun of “normy” adults.

JC: We both worked at cafes and lots of the people there were like, “My partner…”  It was a word that we heard a lot.  To describe our relationship, we’re not partners.

LNWe thought it was funny because we’re not partners.  Obviously everyone thinks that we are, but we’re not.

JC: So it’s very tongue-in-cheek.

7LM: I was going to ask you to finish this sentence: If we had two bucks for every time someone thought we were a couple, we could buy…

LN: A lot of weed.

[Laughter erupts.]

7LM: I figured it was something like that.

LN: I guess we could buy some other stuff, but that’s probably what we would buy.

JC: We just love the word, because we have partners.  It’s just tongue-in-cheek because we’ve never…

LN: My tongue in your cheek?

[More laughter erupts.]

7LM: Tell me about the five-piece, because you’re touring as a five-piece, right?

LN: Yeah.  We’ve got Kevin [who] plays bass and he also does a lot of administrative work.  Brendan plays drums and does most of the driving.  Dan plays third guitar, and he’s a great bandmate.  We’ve had various other friends of ours fill in, and that’s pretty much our core group right now, but we keep it open if one of them can’t make it then we have other people who know the songs.

JC: This is our solid touring line-up.  We all moved to Windsor together.

7LM: Is this your first tour in the U.S.?

LN: Yeah.

7LM: How’s it going so far?  I know this stop was fairly early.

LN: Great.

[Lucy manages to knock the cap off the bottle of beer by banging it on the edge of a coffee table, forcing her to chug most of said beer before it spills all over the floor.  She then attempts to open one for Josee in the same manner, but all of us decide she needs to save her hand – and teeth – “until we can get group insurance,” says Josee.]

7LM: Where are you off to after this?

JC: We’re just doing three dates, still getting our feet wet.

LN: We did Hamtramck (Michigan), which was awesome.

7LM: Was it good, then?

JC: It was awesome.

LN: It was so great.  We ate delicious pizza.

JC: We played a little record-book shop called Lo and Behold.

LN: With a bunch of really cool, like-minded folks.  It was pretty crazy.  It was the night after the election, so we were pretty interested to go and see what everyone had to say.  [There] were a lot of queer kids and queer kids of color who had a lot of interesting input.  The next day we played Kalamazoo, which was awesome.  The American punk scene is pretty cool to be observing.

7LM: I was going to ask you two about bands up your way that you think people should know about.

LN: A lot of our friends have sweet bands. [Looking at Josee] Who’s a good active band right now?

JC: Towanda.

LN: Toward are a sick, sick, sick band from Montreal.

JC: They kind of have an L7 vibe.

LN: We love this band from Winnipeg called Trampoline.  Our friends have so many cool bands.  I’m going to forget someone.  Protruders are cool right now. Our friends are always starting good bands.

JC: We’re from Sackville in New Brunswick.  A lot of our friends’ bands started there.

LN: It was like a snowball effect.  There were a lot of people that happened to be playing in bands, and then everyone who didn’t play music started playing music because everyone else was doing it.  It was very accessible, and there’s not that shitty, macho vibe to the punk scene at all.  It’s very inclusive in Sackville.

7LM: I’d heard that you guys had a really collaborative thing going up there.

JC: Yeah.

LN: We had fairly limited resources, but the resources that were there were awesome.  We’d share gear, share a shed, and take advantage of the radio station.  Everyone had a lot of energy.  [It’s] a beautiful spot.

JC: Yeah, we’re really lucky to have art all the time there.

7LM: Are there any bands that your fans might be surprised to find you’re influenced by?

JC: Yeah.

LN: Our fans would probably be surprised by most of the things we like.  We don’t really listen to cool music anymore.  We’re really into exploring super bizarre music, and not necessarily cool bizarre music.

JC: Yeah, I listen to music for different reasons.  I got different things out of it.  I listen to a lot of pop music.  I love to do research and listen to really good songs.  I really love Rihanna.  Anti is such a great album, obviously.

LN: All the best albums last year, in my opinion, were the mainstream popular albums.  What a crazy year for music!  Beyonce, Solange, Frank Ocean, all that shit.  So crazy, so good, so much more avant-garde than most punk music, I find.

JC: We’re really excited about that.

LN: We love mainstream music, and really not mainstream music.

JC: We’re constantly in pursuit of true expression, unfettered self-expression.

LN: Sometimes really weird or bad-sounding synth, but when you can tell it’s exactly the statement someone wanted to make…

JC: Yeah, we’re really into exploring that.

7LM: I always say that as long as it’s good, I’ll listen to it.

LN: Sometimes when it’s not good, we’ll listen to it.

JC: As long as it’s pure.

7LM: Do you have any favorite misheard versions of your lyrics?  Do people come up to you and say things like, “I love your song ‘Hot Wives?'”

LN: All our wives are hot!

JC (laughing): Hot Wives!

LN: There’s probably some good ones.

JC: People have trouble hearing the words because most of our stuff is live.  We don’t have a lot of content, so people don’t really have the opportunity to mishear anything.  It’s just a mess anyway.

LN: We try to be as audible as possible.

JC: So they can hear all our punchlines.

7LM: Lucy, who do people say you look like?

LN (pointing at Josee): So she’s Ellen Page, obviously.  I’ve gotten [Dinosaur Jr.’s] J. Mascis.  I think it’s the hair and the glasses.  People say that I look like my sister sometimes.

JC: Yeah, you really do, and your Mom.

7LM: I get Christopher Walken a lot.

LN: You look like this guy Anthony we know.

JC: Yeah!  From the cafe!

LN: She looks like a kid from a horror movie, the Ring girl.

JC: When I used to have long hair.  That used to really bug me, but I’ve embraced it now.

7LM: You should rock that.  Easy Halloween costume.

JC: Yeah, start a goth group.

7LM: I’m not sure if you’ve done this, but if you go to Google and type in “Partner band,” one of the most common things to come up is this exercise…

JC: Yeah, the partner band!

LN: Yeah!

7LM: So what’s your favorite weird exercise?

LN: We should start doing that.  We should start exercising.

7LM: That’s a whole video right there.

JC: We’re going to start getting into dance soon.  Lucy has a more natural talent for it.  It’s going to be a steep learning curve for me

LN (nearly doing a spit take): Because I learned that dance last week?  A friend one day taught me this line dance to “Chattahoochee.”

JC: I was pretty impressed.

LN: It’s pretty sick.  I’ll teach it to you.

7LM: Where can people go to find your stuff?  Your Bandcamp page, obviously…

JC: On my Dad’s YouTube channel, TheStones1965, you can find tons of bootleg vids of our live performances that I did not give him permission to post.

LN: We do have a Twitter, and we also have an Instagram.  You should absolutely check it.

JC: It’s all partner_band across the board.  You can find us there and send us messages.

LN: And failing that, you can catch us wherever we’re playing.

JC: We’re going to go shoot a video for the first track that we’re going to release off the LP.  We’re going to film that in February and it should be out in March or April.

7LM: Will it involve elastic bands?

JC: No.  Hell no.

LN: It’s called “Comfort Zone,” so we won’t be exercising.

7LM: One last thing about the new record, was it you two in the studio playing everything?

LN: No, that was our original dream.  Our EP is all us.

JC: Yeah, so everything you’ve heard is all us.

LN: I played drums, she played guitar, and we both played bass.  [On] our new record, we had our friend Simone TV play drums.  She’s a big Toronto drummer in tons and tons of different cool bands, Kevin played bass, I played guitar, and Josee played fifty more guitars.

7LM (motioning toward Josee): I caught of video of you rockin’ a double neck.

LN: We might have the double neck tonight.

7LM: Double neck guitars, and if a band has Orange amps it’s going to be a rockin’ show.

JC: We don’t own amps.  We’ve gotten this far not owning any amps.

7LM: Wow!  Nicely done.

JC: Well, Lucy owns one.  It was her graduation present.

LN: My Dad bought it for me for graduating.  Thanks, Dad.  Well, we’ve got a hundred dollar Peavey amp.

JC: It’s communally owned.

LN: Brandon has a lot of gear in his basement, and that’s where we practice.  We really depend on our friends.

JC: And other bands.  Shout out to all the bands who have ever helped us.

[Shout out to Mar Sellars for setting up this interview and getting me press credentials.]

Keep your mind open.




Alex Lahey releases new digital EP.




(photo credit: Kane Gibbered)

“The sentiment is simple and familiar—and yet so is the wind that whips through your hair while racing down a highway in the summer with friends, and who ever gets sick of that?” — Pitchfork, on “You Don’t Think You Like People Like Me” [BEST NEW TRACK]

“Earlier this year, Melbourne’s Alex Lahey released her debut EP, ‘B-Grade University,’ which is the kind of startlingly impressive debut that you just know is going to catch on…” — Brooklyn Vegan

“The fact she’s made something so vibrant and altogether fun out of a concept as straightforward as ‘being in your early 20s and just figuring shit out’ speaks volumes about her ability to put her own thoroughly entertaining spin on the ups and downs of the everyman.” — DIY Magazine
Relationship problems. Post-graduation life choices. The troubles of early-20s life. They’re millenials’ problems, sure, but weren’t they everyone’s at one point? Few people can detail these worries quite like Alex Lahey, a 24 year-old Melburnian (that’s Melbourne, Australia) who’s EP “B-Grade University” is out now on Dead Oceans. Having already garnered a Best New Track from Pitchfork for her debut single, “You Don’t Think You Like People Like Me, Lahey’s fuzzed-out, catchy-as-hell indie rock is stacked with emotion, weighing the sound of youthful anxiety against cutting, sophisticated wordplay. Watch the EP’s first video for “Wes Anderson, premiered earlier today via Noisey.

Alex Lahey originally released “B-Grade University” on her own label in summer 2016, shortly before playing iconic Australian festival Splendour in the Grass. Lead track, “Ivy League, pretty much wrote itself: “I went and studied sax at uni for a few years and just fucking hated it” she told DIY Magazine last November. Lahey dropped out to concentrate all her efforts on the songwriting that she cared most about. That cliffjump proved a great decision: “B-Grade University” immediately went onto heavy rotation on Triple J, with the single “You Don’t Think You Like People Like Me.” Lahey closed 2016 being the most played artist on Triple J Unearthed, as well as being voted Best Female Artist at the Age Music Awards.

Even if your woes are not the same, Lahey’s themes demand you to sing along, close your eyes and punch your fist in the air. Underneath the millennial angst, there’s an aura of positivity, universality, good times and looking towards the future that we all need right now.

Mon. Feb. 13 — London, UK @ Roundhouse w/ Tegan & Sara
Tue. Feb. 14 — Manchester, UK @ Albert Hall w/ Tegan & Sara
Wed. Feb. 15 — Bristol, UK @ O2 Academy w/ Tegan & Sara
Fri. Feb. 17 — Glasgow, UK @ O2 ABC w/ Tegan & Sara
Sat. Feb. 18 — Birmingham, UK @ O2 Institution w/ Tegan & Sara
Sun. Feb. 19 — Dublin, IE @ Vicar Street w/ Tegan & Sara
Mon. Feb. 20 — London, UK @ Old Blue Last
Sat. March 11 — Los Angeles, CA @ The Echo
Sun. March 12 — San Francisco, CA @ Rickshaw Stop
Tue. March 14 – Sat. March 18 — Austin, TX @ SXSW
Mon. March 20 — Chicago, IL @ Schubas
Wed. March 22 — Washington, DC @ DC9
Thu. March 23 — Philadelphia, PA @ World Cafe Live
Fri. March 24 — Brooklyn, NY @ Rough Trade NYC
Sat. March 25 — New York, NY @ Mercury Lounge
Sun. March 26 — Boston, MA @ Great Scott

01. Ivy League
02. Let’s Go Out
03. Wes Anderson
04. You Don’t Think You Like People Like Me
05. L L L Leave Me Alone

“You Don’t Think You Like People Like Me” video —
“Let’s Go Out” video —


(“B-Grade University” EP art)
Download hi-res images & album art —


Alex Lahey online:

Bleached announce new EP and spring U.S. tour.



[photo credit: Nicole Anne Robbins]

“Bleached’s furious and fun sound, mixed with a slacker vibe, invites you to enjoy your youthful worries while they last.” — NPR Music

“Driving, insistent pop-punk from the pastel-haired LA trio with a flare for re-routing punk brio into catchy, mainstream pop.” —MOJO

Los Angeles band Bleached – the punk band lead by sisters Jennifer and Jessica Clavin — are set to release their new EP, “Can You Deal?,” on March 3rd via Dead Oceans. The EP follows the release of their most recent album, Welcome The Worms, for which the band played Late Night With Seth Meyers. In conjunction with the EP, Bleached are touring this spring, including an upcoming tour supporting The Damned. Additionally, Jennifer Clavin has compiled and will be publishing a limited edition zine also titled “Can You Deal?” with contributions from Hayley Williams (Paramore), Tegan Quin (Tegan and Sara), Jane Wiedlin (The Go Go’s), Liz Phair, EMA, Alice Glass and more. All net proceeds from the zine will go to Planned Parenthood and it is also available March 3. Pre-order link is below. Listen to the EP’s title track and read Jennifer’s statement about the project below.

I create music and art because I need to. To express, to bond, to reconcile, and to connect. And to use my voice. To have it received with such a generic labeling as “girl band” and consistently referenced as “female fronted” is insulting and reductive.  The title track to this EP, “Can You Deal?” is about this experience. Last year we released a deeply personal full length album titled Welcome The Worms. It was a record about being in an emotionally abusive relationship. It was a record about getting spun out on drugs and alcohol. It was a record about totally losing myself in order to find myself.  It was also our most ambitious body of work yet, with guitar work and guitar sounds and production we had only dreamed of until then.  And yet to this day I am still fielding interview questions that have more to do with my gender than with the art I am creating. Somehow the conversation usually derails into some variation of the following question: “What is it like to be a girl in a rock band?”. And the ensuing story will define us based on our sex. Why is gender pointed out in nearly all coverage of our band? Labeling me as a woman in a band just puts me in a box, and doesn’t allow everything else I am to be seen and heard. It’s 2017, Can You Deal with women playing rock and roll yet?
–Jennifer Clavin

Can You Deal? Zine is a collection of shared experiences on this subject through essay, visual art, poetry, lyrics and more from artists.

Can You Deal? Zine Contributors in Alphabetical Order:
Mecca Vazie Andrews (Sex Stains)
Julien Baker
Alicia Bognanno (Bully)
Jennifer Clavin (Bleached)
Jessica Clavin (Bleached)
Sadie Dupuis (Speedy Ortiz)
Alice Glass
Micayla Grace (Bleached)
Allie Hanlon (Peach Kelli Pop)
Maryn Jones (All Dogs)
Ali Koehler (Upset, Vivian Girls)
Sara Landeau (the Julie Ruin)
Dani Miller (Surfbort)
Kate Nash
Liz Phair
Jane Weidlin (The Go Go’s)
Allison Wolfe (Sex Stains, Bratmobile)
Tegan Quin (Tegan and Sara)
Patty Schemel (Upset, Hole)
Kim Schifino (Matt and Kim)
Mish Way (White Lung)
Hayley Williams (Paramore)
And more TBA!

Listen to Bleached’s “Can You Deal?” –

Bleached Tour Dates:
Tue. Feb. 14 – Los Angeles, CA @ Teragram Ballroom^
Thu. Apr. 6 – Los Angeles, CA @ Echoplex
Fri. Apr. 7 – San Diego, CA @ House of Blues*
Sat. Apr. 8 – Anaheim, CA @ House of Blues*
Sun. Apr. 9 – Las Vegas, NV @ House of Blues*
Tue. Apr. 11 – San Francisco, CA @ The Fillmore*
Wed. Apr. 12 – Sacramento, CA @ Ace of Spades*
Fri. Apr. 14 – Portland, OR @ Crystal Ballroom*
Sat. Apr. 15 – Vancouver, BC @ The Commodore*
Sun. Apr. 16 – Seattle, WA @ The Showbox*
Tue. Apr. 18 – Salt Lake City, UT @ The Depot*
Wed. Apr. 19 – Denver, CO @ Summit Music Hall*
Fri. Apr. 21 – St. Louis, MO @ Delmar Hall*
Sat. Apr. 22 – Minneapolis, MN @ Fine Line*
Sun. Apr. 23 – Chicago, IL @ House of Blues*
Mon. Apr. 24 – Louisville, KY @ Mercury Lounge*
Wed. Apr. 26 – Indianapolis, IN @ Deluxe (Old National Center)*
Thu. Apr. 27 – Cincinnati, OH @ Bogart’s*
Fri. Apr. 28 – Cleveland, OH @ House of Blues*
Sat. Jul. 29 – New York, NY @ Panorama Music Festival

^Jennifer & Jessie duo w/ Ty Segall, King Tuff, Kevin Morby, Mikal Cronin
*w/ The Damned

“Can You Deal?” tracklist:

1.Can You Deal?
3.Turn to Rage
4.Dear Trouble

Pre-order “Can You Deal?” EP –

Pre-order “Can You Deal?” Zine —

[“Can You Deal?” Album art]

[“Can You Deal?” Zine cover art]

Desert Daze Caravan tour announces dates for spring 2017.

The Desert Daze Caravan tour, featuring Night Beats, Temples, Deap Vally, Froth, and Jjuujjuu has announced its full U.S. schedule.  Beginning in San Francisco February 22nd, the tour winds through the west and southwest until March 17th in San Antonio.  Don’t miss your chance to see this tour.  It’s sure to be outstanding.  I’m catching it at the Phoenix stop.  See you there!

Keep your mind open.

Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever schedule Sub Pop EP release for early March 2017.



Today, Melbourne’s Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever are proud to announce ‘The French Press,” their debut EP for their new US label, Sub Pop, which will see release on March 10th. Alongside the announcement, the band has shared the title track.

“The French Press” EP levels up on everything that made their debut EP, “Talk Tight,” such an immediate draw. Multi-tracked melodies which curl around one another, charging drums and addictive bass lines converge to give each track its driving momentum. Honed through their live shows, this relentless energy carries the record through new chapters in the band’s Australian storybook.

Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever’s songs have always had all the page-turning qualities of a good yarn and “The French Press” EP is no different. Somewhere between impressionists and fabulists, lyricists Fran Keaney, Tom Russo and Joe White often start with something rooted in real life – the melancholy of travel on ‘French Press’, having a hopeless crush on ‘Julie’s Place’ – before building them into clever, quick vignettes. The result is lines blurred between fiction and reality – vibrant stories which get closer at a particular truth than either could alone.

Blending critical insight and literate love songs, “The French Press” EP cements Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever as one of Australia’s smartest working bands.


Fri. Jan. 27 – Melbourne, AUS @ Howler w/ Whitney
Thu. Feb.  2 – Sydney, AUS @ OAF w/ Whitney
Mon. Mar. 3 – Fri. Mar. 17 – Austin, TX @ SXSW
Sat. Mar. 18 – Philadelphia, PA @ Underground Arts w/ Tennis
Sun. Mar. 19 – Washington, DC @ 9:30 Club w/ Tennis
Tue. Mar. 21 – New York, NY @ Bowery Ballroom w/ Tennis
Wed. Mar. 22 – New York, NY @ Bowery Ballroom w/ Tennis
Thu. Mar. 23 – Brooklyn, NY @ Shea Stadium
Sun. Ma. 26 – Los Angeles, CA @ The Echo
Fri. Apr. 21 – Cats @ Adelaide, AUS @ Rocket Bar
Sat. Apr. 22 – Sydney, AUS @ Newtown Social Club
Fri. Apr. 28 – Brisbane, AUS @ Black Bear Lodge
Sat. Apr.  29 – Byron Bay, AUS @ The Great Northern
Sun. Apr. 30 – Gold Coast, AUS @ Shark Bar
Fri. May 12 – Melbourne, AUS @ The Tote
Pre-order “The French Press” EP –

Hi-res photos and album art here:

Rolling Blackouts C.F. Online: 

New Pornographers “Whiteout Conditions” due out April 07, 2017.

Canadian supergroup New Pornographers‘ newest album, Whiteout Conditions, will drop on April 07, 2017, and they’ve announced an extensive spring tour to promote the new record.  They’ve yet to release a band record, and I’m sure this album won’t end their streak.  Check out their latest single if you don’t believe me.

Keep your mind open.

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Surf Cassette – self-titled

Surf Cassette are a garage pop trio from Milan, Italy whose self-titled album is both a good rock record and a healthy tonic for dreary days.

“Wasted,” the opener, deserves to be a rock anthem with its ear-catching riffs and catchy lyrics about how stupid people get when they’re drunk. “Lust for Life” isn’t a cover of the Iggy Pop classic (although I’m sure Surf Cassette could do a fine version of one), but rather a nice slice of garage rock played from a sunny Italian beach. The keyboard accompaniment on it keeps it bright. “Mess in My Head” is like an early Wavves track with its surf guitar, slightly echoed vocals, and light approach to the heavy subject of a relationship going wrong.

The beat on “Rebel” is infectious and will get your toes tapping no matter where you are or what you’re doing. “Wonder Woman” isn’t about the super heroine, but it is a slightly sad song about a woman who is so good that the singer knows he can’t do their relationship justice (“She’s a wonder woman. What am I supposed to be?”). “Maybe I’m Not Sober” gets back to the snotty, garage punk and is a nice companion piece to “Wasted” – as if it’s the same story told from the perspective of the drunk in the first song.

“Summer’s End” is the band’s plea for summer and good times to stick around for a while longer because what comes after might be a long bummer. The album ends with “Portami Via,” a good, loud, crunchy guitar-driven send-off that probably blows the back off clubs in Milan.

It’s always nice to discover bands from other countries, especially when they’re this fun. Catch their wave.

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Ty Segall releases new single from upcoming album due tomorrow.



(above image by Denée Petracek)

Ty Segall‘s swiftly oncoming (Jan 27th via Drag City!) self-titled album is his ninth solo release since 2008, a span of records that have embodied an arcing swath of up-and-upper rock and roll music for the people. What people? They know who they are. They’re finding out all the time. They like candy-striped and scorched-earth sounds alike, and Ty keeps throwing down both and more in spades! “Break A Guitar” is the second drop from his new album, a 180-degree spin from the acoustic pastoral of the previously-leaked “Orange Color Queen,” and a reminder that beyond all the tender beauty that he’s capable of, the rifftasm of Ty’s music vision is what drives him ever forward in shows everywhere and in the minds of listeners who dig the sounds. With a week to go before the album hits, “Break A Guitar” aims to shatter the fugue-state you’re been wandering through and invite you back into the real life that’s coming! You are needed here, and with as few illusions as possible. Ty Segall will make that happen!Ty (guitar, vocals) and his magick band comprised of Emmett Kelly (guitar, vocals), Mikal Cronin (bass, vocals), Charles Moothart (drums) and Ben Boye (keyboards) will tour throughout the year, playing multiple nights in various towns and one-offs in others. All dates are listed below.

Early feedback for Ty Segall:
“a perfect introduction to those who have yet to dive into his vast discography.”
– Vulture (Most Anticipated of 2017)”With Segall’s magic touch shining brightly throughout, ‘Ty Segall’ once again demonstrates his effortless, and seemingly innate ability to make the familiar feel fresh and enticing” – MOJO“a taut exercise in ‘f**k-you’ brilliance that deftly explores the fugitive nature of truth” – Shindig“‘Ty Segall’ feels at times like a greatest-hit collection that just happens to comprise entirely new songs…one of the most cohesive sets Segall has released to date” – American Songwriter

Listen To Ty Segall’s “Break A Guitar” –

Listen To Ty Segall’s “Orange Color Queen” —

Ty Segall Tour Dates:
Fri. Jan. 27 – San Diego, CA @ Belly Up Tavern
Thu. Feb. 2 – Los Angeles, CA @ Teragram Ballroom
Fri. Feb. 3 – Los Angeles, CA @ Teragram Ballroom
Sat. Feb. 4 – Los Angeles, CA @ Teragram Ballroom
Mon. Feb. 27 – Oakland, CA @ Fox Theater
Wed. March 1 – Portland, OR @ Aladdin Theater
Thu. March 2 – Seattle, WA @ Neumos
Fri. March 3 – Seattle, WA @ Neumos
Mon. May 8 – Albuquerque, NM @ Sister Bar
Wed. May 10 – Tulsa, OK @ Cain’s Ballroom
Thu. May 11 – Indianapolis, IN @ Irving Theater
Sat. May 13 – Chicago, IL @ Metro
Sun. May 14 – Chicago, IL @ Thalia Hall
Wed. May 17 – Brooklyn, NY @ Warsaw
Thu. May 18 – Brooklyn, NY @ Warsaw
Sat. May 20 – Philadelphia, PA @ Trocadero Theater
Sun. May 21 – Pittsburgh, PA @ Mr. Small’s Theater
Mon. May 22 – Louisville, KY @ Headliner’s Music Hall
Thu. May 25 – Nashville, TN @ Mercy Lounge
Fri. May 26 – New Orleans, LA @ One Eyed Jack’s
Sat. May 27 – Austin, TX @ Stubb’s Waller Creek Amphitheatre
Mon. May 29 – Phoenix, AZ @ The Van Buren
Thu. Aug. 3 – Sun. Aug. 6 – Happy Valley, OR @ Pickathon
Fri. Aug. 18 – Biddinghuizen, NE @ Lowlands Festival
Thu. Aug. 24 – Berlin, DE @ Astra
Thu. Aug. 31 – Miranda De Ebro, ES @ Ebrovisión Festival

Ty Segall Pre-order:
Via iTunes –
Via Drag City –

Radiohead announce U.S., UK, and European tour dates for spring and summer.

Living legends Radiohead have announced a spring and summer tour that starts in the U.S. and ends in England.  It takes them to Poland, Ireland, Italy, and even two dates at the Coachella Music Festival.  Their U.S. dates are in the west and south, so catch them if you can.

03-30 Miami, FL – American Airlines Arena

04-01 Atlanta, GA – Philips Arena
04-03 New Orleans, LA – Smoothie King Center
04-05 Kansas City, MO – Sprint Center
04-08 Seattle, WA – Key Arena
04-09 Portland, OR – Moda Center
04-11 Santa Barbara, CA – Santa Barbara Bowl
o4-14 Indio, CA – Coachella
04-17-18 Berkely, CA – Greek Theatre
04-21 Indio, CA – Coachella
06-06-07 Oslo, Norway – Spektrum
06-09 Stockholm, Sweden – Ericsson Globe
06-11 Aarhus, Denmark – Northside Festival
06-14 Florence, Italy – Visarno Arena @ Parco Delle Cascine
06-16 Milan, Italy – I-Days @ Parco di Monza
06-18 Hilvarenbeek, Netherlands – Best Kept Secret Festival
06-20 Dublin, Ireland – 3Arena
06-23 Pilton, England – Glastonbury Festival
06-28 Gdynia, Poland – Open’er Festival
06-30 Werchter, Belgium – Rock Werchter
07-02 Arras, France – Main Square Festival
07-04-05 Manchester, England – Manchester Arena

Keep your mind open.