Top 25 albums of 2024: #’s 10 – 6

We’ve reached David Letterman’s favorite spot – the top ten. Let’s see who made the cut this year.

#`10: Dummy – Free Energy

This blast of shoegaze rock is bright in all the right spots and massive in all the others. I hadn’t heard them until 2024 and they ended up being my favorite shoegaze discovery of the year.

#9: New Age Healers – The Spin Out

This is cool psychedelia from the northwest. The album’s cover is indicative of what you experience while listening to it: A swirling mind trip down into strange places, or a mystical wind lifting you up from the ground and into the night sky. It’s your choice.

#8: Aaron Frazer – Into the Blue

Made after he transferred from the east coast to the west coast, Frazer created a second album of great, soulful R&B that’s both honoring and elevating the genre.

#7: Operator Music Band – Four Singles EP

It’s amazing this album even exists when you consider one of the band members nearly died after falling through a skylight before they were ever in the studio. The fact that they made a solid electro post-punk EP afterward is a testament to their commitment to each other.

#6: Meatbodies – Flora Ocean Tiger Bloom

Meatbodies easily are one of the best bands I discovered in 2024. This album is a great mix of psychedelic and garage-punk that immediately left me wanting more from them. I was also lucky enough to see them live twice, and they crushed it each time.

Who’s in the top five? Come back tomorrow to see!

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Top 25 albums of 2024: #’s 15 – 11

Who’s in my top 15 albums of 2024? A lot of groovy people. Read on!

#15: Tangled Horns – Lighter

This post-punk rager came out of nowhere for me. I hadn’t heard them before a press release about them drifted my way, and I was sold upon hearing Lighter for the first time.

#14: Brijean – Macro

It’s another delightful album from them. The whole thing is full of beach-ready synths, club tracks, Italo Disco flavor, and lovely vocals.

#13: Tombstones in Their Eyes – Asylum Harbour

This is a sweet psychedelic record that incorporates a bit of shoegaze here and there and was another great discovery for me in 2024.

#12: Karkara – All Is Dust

You can call these Toulouse psych-rockers the French version of King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard. They probably won’t mind. Their musicianship is damn impressive and their riffs can be as heavy as any doom band you like.

#11: Radondo – Deluge EP

Synthwave plus creepy imagery? Sounds good to me. This EP blends darker synths with some dancefloor beats and makes a great late night jam ready for everything from an afterparty to trying to sneak an alien being to the beach so he can board his underwater ship.

We’re almost to the top ten! Come back tomorrow for more!

Keep your mind open.

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