Wrecka Stow: Luna Records – Indianapolis, IN


Indianapolis’ Luna Records (5202 North College Avenue) was recommended to me by a friend who lives there.  He and I love wrecka stows, so I trusted his judgment.  He was spot-on with it, as it’s a fun store with hip employees who spin cool jazz / funk records.  The content is about 60% vinyl and 40% CD’s.


The selection is large, varied, and good.  Their “Buy 4 used CDs, get a fifth free” deal was too good to pass up, so I walked out with stuff from the Crystal MethodThe HeavyKasabianBeck, and Black Mountain.  

One of my favorite parts of the store was their rack of music and art zines.  I’m always happy to see indie stores supporting indie zine and comic creators.


They have a lot of stuff, but the aisles aren’t cramped.  Whoever crafts their displays has a nice aesthetic.


This alone should earn someone a raise.


It’s a great place.  Check it out if you’re in Indy.

Keep your mind open.

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