Jane’s Addiction front man and Lollapalooza founder Perry Ferrell has announced that he’s working with a virtual reality technology developer / film studio to create an immersive entertainment experience in Las Vegas called Kind Heaven. Accord to a Spin article, Ferrell was inspired to create this by a vivid dream of him in some sort of futuristic Southeast Asian city. The experience will include VR pickpockets, markets, and maybe even a holographic version of himself having sex in his apartment.
He’s already planning to have several bands play there, both in person and through virtual reality. One of the biggest announcements in that department is that he’s reuniting Porno for Pyros – the band he founded after Jane’s Addiction broke up in the 1990’s. Ferrell mentions Coldplay in the Spin article, but doesn’t necessarily say they’ll be playing at Kind Heaven in 2019.
Keep your mind open.
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