People tend to fall into two categories when it comes to Azealia Banks – lovers or haters. I’m firmly in the first category, because she’s a musical titan with great rhyme, a lovely singing voice, and beats that “will make you gag” (as she puts it) because they’re so sick. I don’t care about her Twitter tirades (none of which have offended or affected me or anyone I know). In fact, more power to her for speaking her mind in the sausage fest that is the music industry.
So, I was one of the many excited when she started dropping a few cuts from her upcoming album Business and Pleasure on us this week. The only one you can still find with good quality is “The Big Big Beat,” which has Banks rhyming about her double-D’s to being the baddest girl on the block. The beats are killer and it’s a hot warm-up for the new album. Her last, Broke with Expensive Taste, was among my favorite records of 2014. This new record can’t get here quick enough for me.
Keep your mind open.
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