Live at Levitation is a collection of six tracks from The Black Angels (who, among many other hats they wear, help curate and organize the annual Levitation Music Festivals in Austin, Texas and Angers, France) taken from the 2010 – 2012 festivals and band lineups.
Opening track “Manipulation,” for instance, includes Elephant Stone‘s Rishi Dhir on sitar while Alex Maas‘ vocals knock over the back wall of the venue. Christian Bland‘s guitar on “Better Off Alone” sounds like it, his pedals, and his amps are all on fire. The live version of “Surf City” included on the album is raw and rough, bordering on dangerous.
“You on the Run” is a personal favorite, and it always slays live – as it does here with cranked fuzz and menace. “Empire” is a special treat, as The Black Angels don’t often perform it live. It’s a psych-trip and brings things down to Earth…for a moment, as the closer is one of their biggest hits – “Young Men Dead,” which hearing live is like standing in front of a roaring dragon. This is especially true due to Stephanie Bailey‘s thunderous drum beats, which always threaten to destroy everything around her.
It’s a must-own album for fans of the band, the Austin music scene, or psych-rock. It also further establishes The Black Angels as one of the most powerful live bands out there.
Keep your mind open.
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