Montreal psych-rockers Elephant Stone are set to drop their latest album, Ship of Fools. You can order a digital download of it for only 8 bucks and a lot of other neat stuff through the PledgeMusic campaign for the record. That digital download, by the way, is an early release, so you’ll get it before most of the general public.
Other fun goodies include the album on CD, cassette, and vinyl, exclusive T-shirts, signed CDs and albums, Indian cooking and sitar lessons with Rishi Dhir, a signed vinyl test pressing of the album, and even the first sitar Dhir owned.
You also get to download four tracks from the album right away – “Manipulator,” “Where I’m Going,” “Andromeda,” and “The Devil’s Shelter” (all of which are excellent) – when you make any purchase.
Keep your mind open.
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